New Cure JM Video

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have had a pretty good day today! My face looks the best it has since over a month ago. I still have pink cheeks, but they aren't flaming and my eyes aren't swollen and rashy. I can move a little easier, but I am really wobbly. I still can't get up and down by myself. (so that makes me mad!)
I got to go to Woodward with my mommy and Grandma Trish to run a few errands today! I slept for an hour and a half while we traveled and while my mommy picked up some things. Then I woke up and we went in a store and ate some lunch. Then, I went back to sleep while we drove home! Traveling really wears me out. I have been pretty laid back tonight. My muscles are pretty sore from just being in the car seat and sitting up most of the day.
Thank you for all of your prayers! I feel much better this weekend than last weekend! Your prayers are working so please continue to pray for me! I go again Tuesday to have another treatment so please say a special prayer that day!
Thanks Again!

1 comment:

  1. Kya
    It is sooo windy today. It is hard to open the car door. I think it would almost blow you over!
    We pray for you every day and will pray especially on Tuesday. Glad you got to go to Woodward. You need to rest up after that kind of trip. Bye for now. Love you, Jeanne
