New Cure JM Video

Monday, January 19, 2009

This morning I went with my mommy and daddy to Elk City and helped them (Actually, I watched Dora while they worked). Then my daddy drove me around while my mommy worked and I took a 2 hour nap. When I woke up I was still pretty weak and my movement wasn't very good, but I really really wanted to go to dance. My mommy took me to dance and sat in the lobby waiting in case I couldn't make it. I made it halfway through and was ready to quit, but Miss Lisa told me it wasn't much longer so I toughed it out. She said I did great! (Considering I can't jump or do certain things!) I was very tired when I was finished. I just wanted mommy, french fries, and Gatorade! We waited on sissy and came home. I took a bath and have just been laying around watching Dora and Barney. I just don't have much strength or energy today!
Thank you for your prayers and support! Please keep praying as I have another treatment tomorrow. We appreciate the phone calls, emails, comments, texts, notes, and prayers!
My verse today was:
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. -- Romans 5:5
I know with all of the Hope and prayers I have I will get well! He will not disappoint us!


  1. Hey Lake, Kalee, Kaysa, and most of all Kya, I just wanted you guys to know that you are in my prayers, sounds like we have got a little fighter. So just keep up the work, and we will keep up the prayers! Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Hey Carpenter Family,
    You continue to be in our thoughts! Stay strong in your faith.
