New Cure JM Video

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kya has been fairly active today. She has kept us busy with games of ring around the rosy, hokey pokey, and trying to tumble on Kaysa's gymnastics mat. She started all her different medications today, and was very cooperative in taking all of them. So far we haven't seen any side affects from these. Her spirit and alertness was good today. However, her rash seemed to be a little more red than yesterday. She did get to stay with Delma for a few hours this evening and she was very excited to see her. At this time we are trying to get her to wind down and go to bed. However, the steroids are winning this battle. She hasn't taken a nap all day so I feel like the steroids are beginning to kick in. We pray tomorrow brings more improvement. Thank you for reading and keeping her in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Starting a blog was such a smart move. Maybe it will save you from a bunch of misinformation floating around..and a million phone calls--lol! We're praying for you guys in so many ways. If you ever need anything--or need help with Kaysa--please don't hesitate to ask.

  2. Brandon and i will be praying for Kya and your family. Our hearts go out to you all.

    Amber (Switzer) and Brandon Mayes

  3. Praying fervently for patience and improvement and successful treatment. You are so in our thoughts. Jeanne C
