New Cure JM Video

Sunday, January 18, 2009

WEEEEE! Today has been a rollercoaster ride. I wasn't doing very good at all this morning with my movement. Then, after several crashes, I began getting really cranky and my rash started looking bright pink again. So after lunch, and some laundry, my mommy and daddy made me take a good 2 hour nap with them. They said I needed my rest, but actually I think they needed their rest! After my nap I felt better, but my movement still wasn't very good. About 5:15 I had a major stir crazy melt down. I wanted anyone or anywhere but here. I just wanted to "Get out of this house!!!" So mommy, Kaysa, and I went for a drive. We ended up at the corner for a drink and a snack, but mommy made me stay in the pickup with Kaysa. Then, we went and checked on my horse. About dusk we decided to play on the playground at the school. That way the sun couldn't get me and I could get some exercise. Mommy helped me climb the stairs, slide, and swing. After about 15 minutes I was worn out! We went to check on Grandma Trish and she had Kaden!!!! I was so excited to see him. I haven't seen him since Christmas!!! We played at grandma's house for a long time and he even got to come stay the night with me tonight. We traded Kaysa for Kaden, that will work for the night! I seem to be getting up and down a little better tonight, but my right side is still pretty weak.
Daddy told me that they had special prayers for me tonight at church and I can tell that they are already helping! Thank you so much for all of the prayers and the special ones mean so much to my family. Right now Kaden and I have decided that there are monsters in our bed and we are not going to sleep! I have rested good today and all of the meds may make this a long night. Thank you for your special prayers and please continue to pray for me!
Also, you can help find a cure for my disease by giving to CureJM under my website. We are raising money solely for research to find a cure for this rare disease. My mommy and daddy are going to meet with the top specialist and researcher this week to make sure we are doing everything possible. Also, they are going to meet with other families that this has affected. Please pray for them as they travel! My website to donate on is I want to thank you in advance for your donations! I know that with your help, prayers, and donations I will not have to fight this my whole life! They can find a cure. It just will take research time, money, and lots of great prayers from people like you!
Thank you again for everything and I hope to see everyone soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. HI Kya
    Thinking of you especially today with your treatment. I hope you did OK with that. So glad you got to see Kaden. I bet that was lots of fun. I guess the monsters did not "get you." I hope that you are feeling stronger and better. We did have very special prayers for you and your mommy and daddy Sunday night.
