New Cure JM Video

Friday, January 23, 2009


It has been a very good day for Kya. Possibly the extra Prednisone on Thursday made her feel better, but she has been more active and maybe more stable on her feet. Her up and down movement is slow but she isn't falling over. She was laughing out loud at some "Backyardigan" antics on television, I haven't heard that in several weeks. She has moved about the house much more, even encouraging me to "run" as she took me into the living room to see something special. I know she is supposed to have good and bad days, but I am really grateful to be a part of this "good" one. She is taking a nap to catch up on the late bedtime last night(about 11:45). The travel yesterday provided opportunity for lots of napping that was needed to recover from the stomach bug Wednesday night. She really wasn't ready to go to bed at ten, but after some restlessness and tossing about, she fell asleep a little before midnight. Up with Kaysa at 7:00, Kya seems to be in her usual routine today, so she was ready for a nap about 1:00. So was I, but unfortunately not on my schedule. Thanks for all the concern and prayer, it's hard to believe that 3 weeks ago today is when Dr. Lehr first mentioned the possibility of Kya having Dermatamyositis. How quickly one's world can change...Please continue to pray, it is the ultimate source of hope for this condition. Trish

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ky Ky! We miss seeing you so much. We are glad today was a good day for you. Kaden misses you terribly. Out of the blue he will say "I love Kya, I miss her". Uncle Brent and I miss you and love you too. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you soon!
    Uncle Brent, Aunt Tahna, and Kaden
