New Cure JM Video

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kya has had a very good day and kept Grandma Trish very busy. She is pretty strong, for her, and in a playful mood. She has been very busy this evening since I have been home. She has been doing exercises, playing ball, playing with playdoh, had a tea party, been a princess going to a ball, and chased balloons (and I have only been home for an hour and a half!). Needless to say, she does many things, but nothing for very long. I don't know if it is the steroids or if it is just being two! Either way it wears us all out. But, we are all thankful that she is back to being mobile and active, not just laying around.
Thank you everyone for the many prayers! We know that they are the source of her strength and progress. We see God each day in her and through her. Her new thing is to talk to her "angels" or about her "angels". I am not sure where all of this is coming from, but if you are around her long you will truly believe that she has definitely had an encounter with them. It gives me cold chills to even think about it. Thank you again for the many prayers!
I received an email from a lady named Angie who has 3 girls. Her youngest was diagnosed with JDM at age 2 and is now 5. Her husband was just relocated to Fort Sill from Washington and she was contacting me about doctors and treatment in Oklahoma. Her daughter is doing really good right now and they are hopeful for a remission with no medicines by summer. Please pray for their family and her 5 year old daughter Becca!
To my Sunday School class thank you so much for the card and gift! I miss you guys so much and I appreciate all of the cards, email contacts, visits, and prayers from each of you! You have been such a blessing and support. Thank you again to everyone in all of the many churches state and nation wide who are praying for Kya! We love you all and know that He will answer our prayers!
Thank you,
Kalee Carpenter

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to see so much activity. She can handle lots of different scenes!
    Praying for continued energy and stamina for you as well as little Kya.
    Blessings on all of you. Continued prayers for successful treatment. Also for the new family at Fort Sill.
