New Cure JM Video

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day of Blessing 2/25/09

Kya has had a super day today! She has definitely had a turn around in how she is acting. Kya is full of energy and wound up. Tonight we took her to revival with us. The church was large enough that we were able to sit away from everyone and Kya sat through church with us. She was so excited to get to go! The service was great and Lake has had a great time leading this revival! It has been such a blessing and the church has been praying for Kya from the day of diagnosis!
We also received a call from Dr. O'Neil's nurse and all of Kya's blood work came back in the normal range including her Aldolase! This is the first time since her diagnosis that this has happened! We are extremely excited that these numbers have came down so dramatically. This gives us encouragment that the disease is under control with her combination of medicines. Now, we just have to figure out how to keep it under control as we taper her medicines. But, we know that God will handle that and guide the doctors all of the way.
God just continues to bless us! A special thank you to everyone for all of the many prayers. To those of you who have given us special gifts we really appreciate your support on this journey! We know that it will be a long road, but we have God to lead us along the way.
The Elk Citian ran a special article about Kya today and put her picture in the paper. We are excited to get more people involved and to educate people about this disease. The more we know and can find out the better chance these kids will have at a full recovery!
God is great and he will bless everyone involved! We know that He is in complete control. Please continue to pray for Kya's doctors, her healing, and the many other kids that are struggling with this disease! Thank you again for all of the prayers and support!

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