New Cure JM Video

Friday, February 13, 2009

Feeling Pretty Good on Friday

Kya has had a good Friday and so have Kalee and I. Kya has spent the day with Grandma Trish and according to Grandma they have had a busy day. Since the weather was so nice they went to the river and they played outside for most of the day. Kya was really excited today because her cousin Kaden was also at Grandma's and they enjoyed playing together. Grandad Frank was able to join them for part of the day and by listening to all the stories I can tell they had a fun day. Grandma said Kya seemed to be fairly strong today in her legs but she seemed to be weaker today in her arms and shoulders. We have noticed that her muscle weakness seems to move to the different parts of her body. One day she may be weaker in her knees and legs and then like today it seemed to be more in her arms. Of course, her weakest part seems to stay in her torso and hips. Kalee and I received a phone call today from Chicago and Kya has an appointment in Chicago with Dr. Pachman on Mar. 11th. Dr. Pachman and her staff needed all of Kya's medical records since the day she was born so Kalee worked really hard to get all the doctors and their staff to get everything gathered up for us to send to Dr. Pachman. It was amazing that in just one day she was able to get several doctors and specialist to get us all the records we needed. I want to say THANK YOU to everyone at the different doctors offices and hospitals for working so quickly getting information to us so we could send it to Chicago. We are very excited about getting the opportunity to work with Dr. Pachman. I know between her and Dr. O'Neill we will have the best teams working together for Kya's health and future. After we got off work we quickly got around to get ready to take church pictures. Kya and Kaysa were both very cooperative taking pictures and by looking at the proofs it looks like we may have captured some good ones. Everyone seems to be fairly tired so I think it's about time to try to get to bed. Once again, we thank you for all the prayers. We know God is already working in Kya's life and we feel him working in ours daily.



  1. Hi Kya, Playing at the river with Kaden and Grandma sounds like such fun! I'm glad that you are feeling better. Hugs and prayers, Juana K

  2. Hi Carpenter family,
    Great news for Kya getting an appointment with the Chicago physician! You are a very special family. Take care of yourselves on this journey. My prayers continue to be with you!
