New Cure JM Video

Thursday, February 5, 2009

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kya i feel hhappyyyy!!!
Well this isn't how I usually start my blog, but that is what Kya wanted to do. When you have a two year old on steroids who wants to type, you let her type!
As you can problably tell she is feeling better today. She is not as irritable and indecisive. She definitely knows what she wants and when she wants it, but that is a good thing. She seems to move with a little more comfort and has even wanted to play ring around the rosy. We have played it several times and she has even been able to get herself up many of those times. She has moved around more tonight. She is not just laying around and watching TV. She sat in her chair for quite sometime and played with crayons and colored. These are things that she hasn't done in a while!
Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray for God's will to be done in our lives and that we follow His path in her treatment! Thank you again for all of the support, emails, and phone calls!
Thank You,
Lake, Kalee, Kaysa, and Kya

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kya, I am so glad you had a better day and it is good you are learning to type. I hope tomorrow is a great day for you. Hugs and prayers, love you Kya, Johnnie
