New Cure JM Video

Friday, November 20, 2009

Kya is Better

Kya seems to be better now. She is no longer running a fever. It finally broke on Tuesday. She still has a really loose cough, but that is improving. Hopefully she will be able to start back on her cellcept tomorrow morning. Her cheeks are starting to look a little pink, but I can't tell if it is chapping or JDM rash. We are just praying that it is because of the great weather (ha ha!) we have been having.
Thank you for your prayers and concern. We have had many text messages and phone calls. You can't imagine how much they mean to us! Again please continue to pray for her JDM to go away! Thank you to our prayer warriors!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kya is sick!

Kya woke up Tuesday morning croaky and cranky. I took her to the doctor that afternoon and by the time we got there she was running a fever of 100.6. They said that she just had this virus that Lake and Kaysa had. They put her on antibiotics and I stopped her cellcept. At that time her lungs sounded clear, but she had lots of drainage.
We have been giving her tylenol every 4 hours since the doctors visit and she is still running a fever. I just took it ans it was 101.9 even on tylenol. She seems to be coughing a lot more also. She hasn't ate hardly anything in a couple of days.
Please pray for her. Also pray for Lake and I as this is a really hard time for us. And of course, Kaysa is staying with Grandma Trish! We appreciate the many prayers and support! Thank you for all you have done and please continue to be prayer warriors!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Kya is doing very good! Last night I had to take her to kids choir with me at church because I had no one around to keep her. So she went and sat by Kaysa and sang with all of the other kids. She was very excited about this and did a great job. We are getting ready for our Christms program and it is so much fun! Anyway, she was so excited she was telling everyone she got to go to church! It just breaks my heart that she loves it so much, but we have to stay away. Please pray for continued healing and tapering of immunosupressants so she can get back into the real world. More importantly pray for all of the sickness to go away!
On another note. After church, I was feeding the girls quesadillas (get it Kaysadillas). Kya started pouting and said that she wanted "Kyadillas"! It was priceless. She is such a little comedian.
Thank you again for all of your prayers! Please continue to pray for Kya.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kya is doing great!

Kya is doing great! She has been running and playing like a normal 3 year old. She is growing up so fast and starting to act like her big sister. She loves to sing and dance. Yesterday she told her Grandma Denny that she need a friend to come over to play dress up with! I know that she gets lonely by herself, but really a friend over at 3?! I can't see any changes in her disease activity. I think she is getting stronger and that her abdomen is starting to even get a little stronger. She is definitely getting taller and thinner. Her steroid and toddler chubbiness is starting to slide off. She is starting to look like a little girl and not such a baby. But, she will always have those round little cheeks!
Some of you may ask if she is doing so great why isn't she out and about? Simple answer. GERMS!!! (and lots of them) She is still on 2 very strong immunosuppressants. She can't afford to be around anybody right now. We are being very careful to use extreme hygeine and hand washing. It is not worth getting her out and risking a set back at this point. Our family brings in enough and we don't need anymore!
Kaysa has the crud again! So her and Lake have been at the river place since Tuesday. It isn't strep and it isn't swine flu it is just the bad crud. I think her fever finally broke last night. But, she still sounds terrible! This is exactly when all of the stuff started last year and just snowballed so Lake and I are watching Kya very closely and trying to keep her well.
On November 3rd last year we took Kaysa in with the crud. The week before Thanksgiving she got Strep throat. The week after Thanksgiving Kya got strep throat. Then her rash began and they just thought it was part of the strep. It all just snowballed from there and that is how we got to January 9th with the official diagnosis of JDM. So of course it is kind of like the cycle trying to start all over again! But, we are going to fight it every step of the way and know that God has his protective hand over her!
Thank you to everyone for all of the continued prayers! She continues to need them daily. It feels so strange not going to a doctor everyweek or even every month with Kya. We are just sitting back and holding our breath until December when we go back to Chicago! I know that they will find good results and start tapering more medicine. God is healing her and Kaysa says she will be cured! What faith!!! Again, thank you very much for everything.